NETA Support Centre

Funded by NETA, the Support Centre provides a range of activities aimed at building confidence & increasing participation. NETA employs a qualified Speech and Language Therapist to co-ordinate the Support Centre which currently operates every Thursday using premises at Newcastle University.


A wide range of regular activities

Activities include a regular conversation group, as well as art, music, debating, photography and other special interest groups.

The Support Centre also runs a regular café, where members can enjoy socialising with friends

We encourage all members to help at the centre. This may be in a small way at first and develop into something bigger. Most of our volunteer helpers come from within the membership. Several of our groups are led by people with aphasia. We support people to work towards their own personal goal.

We ask for a small contribution to help with day to day costs - this is currently £1 per session attended.

Kathy Cann the new Support Centre co-ordinator introduces herself

NETA at Home Arts and Crafts Display December 2020

NETA Update 3rd December

Dr Rose Hilton talking about the support centre